Facial bone surgery is a highly specialised field within plastic and reconstructive surgery, designed to correct deformities, enhance aesthetics, or repair injuries involving the facial skeleton. While these procedures can dramatically improve a patient's appearance and function, they also involve significant trauma to the tissues, leading to post-operative swelling. Managing this swelling is crucial for patient comfort, a smooth recovery, and optimal surgical outcomes. Dr. Quan Ngo, a leading plastic surgeon based in Sydney, is known for his expertise in facial bone contouring through advanced surgical techniques, including the use of 3D planning and printing, and comprehensive post-operative care.

Understanding Facial Bone Surgery and Its Impact on Swelling

Facial bone surgery involves intricate manipulation of the bones in the face to achieve the desired structural changes. Common types of facial bone surgeries include:

  • Orthognathic Surgery: This surgery corrects misalignments of the jaw (such as overbite, underbite, or crossbite) to improve function and facial harmony. It involves repositioning the jawbones and securing them in the new position with plates and screws.
  • Facial Contouring Surgery: This includes procedures like cheekbone reduction, jaw reduction, and chin augmentation to reshape the facial bones and create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing facial structure.
  • Facial Fracture Repair: This surgery is performed to repair fractures in the facial bones due to trauma. The bones are realigned and stabilised using plates, screws, or wires to restore the natural shape and function of the face.
  • Craniofacial Surgery: This complex surgery addresses congenital deformities (such as cleft palate) or severe trauma to the skull and face. It involves reshaping or reconstructing the facial and cranial bones to achieve a more typical appearance and function.

These surgeries, while beneficial, cause significant trauma to the soft tissues surrounding the bones, leading to an inflammatory response characterised by swelling. This swelling can be uncomfortable and may obscure the surgical results during the early stages of recovery.

Importance of Minimising Swelling

Minimising swelling is essential for several reasons:

  • Enhancing Comfort: Swelling can cause discomfort, tightness, and even pain. Reducing swelling helps alleviate these symptoms, making the recovery period more comfortable for the patient.
  • Expediting Recovery: Excessive swelling can prolong the healing process by delaying the resolution of inflammation. Effective management of swelling can speed up recovery, allowing patients to return to their normal activities sooner.
  • Optimising Aesthetic Outcomes: Swelling can temporarily obscure the results of surgery, making it difficult to assess the success of the procedure. Minimising swelling helps reveal the final results sooner, giving patients a clearer view of their new appearance.
  • Reducing Complications: In some cases, excessive swelling can lead to complications such as infection, wound breakdown, or even delayed healing. By managing swelling effectively, these risks can be minimised.

Techniques to Minimise Swelling During Surgery

The management of swelling begins in the operating room. Dr. Quan Ngo utilises advanced surgical techniques and technologies designed to reduce tissue trauma and inflammation, thereby minimising postoperative swelling.

1. Precision Surgery with 3D Planning and 3D Printing

  • Overview: Dr. Ngo is one of the few plastic surgeons in Australia who regularly employs 3D planning and printing technologies. These tools allow for the creation of highly accurate surgical guides and models, tailored to the patient’s unique anatomy.
  • Benefits: By using 3D-printed surgical guides, Dr. Ngo can perform the surgery with exceptional precision, reducing the need for intraoperative adjustments. This minimises the duration of surgery and the extent of tissue manipulation, both of which are key factors in reducing post-operative swelling.

2. Gentle Tissue Handling

  • Technique: During surgery, Dr. Ngo employs meticulous techniques to handle tissues as gently as possible. This careful approach reduces the trauma to soft tissues, thereby minimising the inflammatory response that leads to swelling.
  • Outcome: By minimising tissue damage, the body's response to the surgery is less intense, resulting in reduced swelling and faster recovery.

3. Use of Corticosteroids

  • Purpose: Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory medications that can be administered during surgery to reduce the body’s inflammatory response.
  • Application: Dr. Ngo tailors the use of corticosteroids to each patient’s specific needs, administering them at strategic points during the surgery to maximise their effectiveness in reducing post-operative swelling.

4. Advanced Surgical Instruments

  • Precision Tools: The use of state-of-the-art surgical instruments allows for more precise bone cutting and repositioning. These advanced tools cause less disruption to the surrounding tissues compared to traditional instruments.
  • Impact: Less tissue disruption means less swelling and a smoother recovery process.

Post-Operative Strategies for Minimising Swelling

Effective post-operative care is crucial for managing swelling after facial bone surgery. Dr. Ngo provides his patients with detailed instructions and guidance on how to minimise swelling during the critical recovery period.

1. Cold Compresses

  • Timing and Technique: Cold compresses are most effective when applied in the first 48 hours after surgery. Patients should apply cold packs to the surgical area in intervals of 20 minutes on, followed by 20 minutes off.
  • Physiological Effect: Cold therapy works by constricting blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the area, and thereby minimising swelling. This simple yet effective method is a cornerstone of post-operative care.

2. Head Elevation

  • Importance of Elevation: Keeping the head elevated, especially during sleep, is one of the most effective ways to reduce swelling. Elevation decreases the amount of blood and fluid that accumulates in the face.
  • Practical Application: Dr. Ngo advises patients to sleep with their head elevated on several pillows or in a recliner for the first few weeks after surgery. This position helps gravity work to reduce swelling.

3. Medication Management

  • Anti-Inflammatory Medications: Dr. Ngo prescribes anti-inflammatory medications to help manage swelling. These medications can include both prescription-strength options and over-the-counter NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Pain Management: Effective pain management is also crucial, as pain and swelling are often closely linked. Controlling pain with appropriate medications can help reduce stress on the body, which in turn can minimise swelling.
  • Antibiotics: To prevent infection, which can exacerbate swelling, Dr. Ngo may prescribe antibiotics. Preventing infection is critical in maintaining a smooth recovery process.

4. Lymphatic Drainage Massage

  • Technique and Benefits: Lymphatic drainage massage is a specialised technique that encourages the movement of lymph fluid away from the surgical site, reducing swelling.
  • Professional Guidance: Dr. Ngo may recommend that patients see a trained therapist for lymphatic drainage massage during the recovery period. This therapy can be particularly beneficial for reducing persistent or severe swelling.
  • At-Home Care: Patients may also be taught gentle self-massage techniques to help manage swelling at home. These techniques should be performed carefully to avoid disrupting the surgical site.

5. Hydration and Nutrition

  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is essential for recovery. Adequate fluid intake helps the body flush out toxins and supports the healing process. Patients are encouraged to drink plenty of water and avoid dehydrating beverages such as alcohol and caffeine.
  • Nutritional Support: A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins supports the body’s natural healing processes. Foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, and nuts, can help reduce inflammation and promote quicker recovery.

6. Avoiding Strenuous Activity

  • Initial Recovery Phase: Physical exertion can increase blood pressure and exacerbate swelling. Dr. Ngo advises patients to avoid strenuous activities, including heavy lifting, bending, or intense exercise, for at least two to three weeks after surgery.
  • Gradual Resumption: As the recovery progresses, patients can gradually resume normal activities. However, it’s important to listen to the body and avoid pushing too hard too soon, as this can lead to increased swelling or other complications.

7. Compression Garments

  • Usage: In some cases, Dr. Ngo may recommend wearing a compression garment to help control swelling and support the surgical area.
  • Function: Compression garments work by applying gentle pressure to the tissues, which can prevent the accumulation of fluid that leads to swelling. These garments are typically worn for several weeks after surgery, depending on the procedure and the patient’s individual needs.

Understanding the Recovery Timeline and Managing Expectations

Recovery from facial bone surgery is a gradual process, and managing swelling is an essential part of this journey. Understanding the typical recovery timeline helps patients manage their expectations and adhere to their post-operative care regimen.

First Week Post-Surgery

  • Swelling Peaks: Swelling typically peaks within the first 48 to 72 hours after surgery. During this time, patients may experience significant discomfort, which can be managed with prescribed medications and cold compresses.
  • Bruising: Bruising is common in the early stages of recovery, particularly around the eyes and jaw. This is a normal part of the healing process and will gradually fade over the next couple of weeks.

Weeks 2 to 4

  • Reduction in Swelling: By the end of the second week, the swelling should begin to decrease noticeably. While some residual swelling may persist, patients will start to see more of the surgical results.
  • Stitches Removal: If non-dissolvable stitches were used, they are typically removed around the two-week mark. This can also help reduce localised swelling and promote healing.

Months 1 to 3

  • Continued Improvement: Most of the swelling will have subsided by the end of the first month. However, it’s important to note that some degree of swelling, particularly in the deeper tissues, can persist for up to three months or longer.
  • Final Results: The final results of the surgery may not be fully visible until all swelling has completely resolved, which can take several months to a year. Patients should be patient and follow Dr. Ngo’s advice to ensure the best possible outcome.

The Role of 3D Planning and Printing in Reducing Swelling

Dr. Quan Ngo’s use of 3D planning and printing technologies is a key factor in minimising swelling and optimising surgical outcomes. These technologies provide several advantages:

  • Preoperative Planning Precision: 3D planning allows Dr. Ngo to create a detailed map of the patient’s facial structure, enabling precise planning of the surgical procedure. This reduces the likelihood of intraoperative adjustments that could increase tissue trauma and swelling.
  • Customised Surgical Guides: 3D-printed surgical guides are tailored to the patient’s unique anatomy, ensuring that bone cuts and repositioning are performed with pinpoint accuracy. This level of precision reduces the duration of surgery and minimises tissue disruption, leading to less postoperative swelling.
  • Reduced Operative Time: Shorter surgeries are associated with less time under anaesthesia and reduced overall tissue manipulation. Both factors contribute to a decrease in post-operative swelling and a faster, more comfortable recovery.

Potential Risks Associated with Swelling and How to Address Them

While swelling is a normal part of the recovery process, it is important to be aware of potential risks and complications that can arise if swelling is not properly managed:

  • Prolonged Swelling: If swelling persists longer than expected or appears to worsen over time, it may indicate an underlying issue such as infection or hematoma. Dr. Ngo closely monitors his patients during the recovery process to address any concerns promptly.
  • Infection: Signs of infection, including increased pain, redness, warmth, or fever, should be reported to Dr. Ngo immediately. Infections can exacerbate swelling and may require treatment with antibiotics or other interventions.
  • Wound Dehiscence: Excessive swelling can place pressure on surgical incisions, potentially leading to wound breakdown (dehiscence). This serious complication requires prompt medical attention to prevent further complications.


Minimising swelling after facial bone surgery is crucial for a smooth recovery and optimal surgical outcomes. Through the use of advanced surgical techniques, including 3D planning and printing, as well as comprehensive post-operative care, Dr. Quan Ngo ensures that his patients experience minimal swelling and a quicker, more comfortable recovery. By adhering to Dr. Ngo’s detailed post-operative care instructions, patients can effectively manage swelling and enjoy the full benefits of their transformative surgery.